school shooting 12.31   School shootings.
  drive-by shooting 10.99   Drive-by shootings plummet.
  police shooting 4.08   Police shootings are rare in Finland.
  gang shooting 0.66   The gang shootings arose from petty and unrelated disputes.
  sniper shooting 0.59   But they added that sniper shootings were reported from some parts of the city.
  gangland-style shooting 0.33   Gangland-style shootings and bombings are rife and have claimed dozens of lives.
  high-profile shooting 0.33   School districts say community fears, brought on by high-profile shootings, have led to an increased awareness of threats.
  week shooting 0.33   He was charged in a shooting this week that wounded two at Martin Luther King Jr. High School in Midtown Manhattan.
  weekend shooting 0.33   The weekend shootings ended a two-week lull in the violence that has pounded Karachi for more than a year.
  workplace shooting 0.33   All these workplace shootings have me worried.
  office shooting 0.26   Office shootings.
  reprisal shooting 0.26   The Macedonia army has been accused of reprisal shootings.
  target shooting 0.26   At the Texas Shooters Range in Houston, Tom Brown did some target shooting last month.
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