express shock 13.23   Hasina expressed shock at the killing.
  absorb shock 3.29   The wooden handle absorbs shocks better.
  suffer shock 2.76   A third person suffered shock.
  get shock 2.70   You could get a shock.
  feel shock 2.24   We felt two shocks.
  cause shock 1.45   The findings have caused a shock.
  have shock 1.45   The car has no shocks.
  withstand shock 1.32   She can and will withstand the shock.
  receive shock 1.12   The agent later received a shock of his own.
  administer shock 0.86   Administering the shock involves pressing a button.
  deliver shock 0.72   But when an older face appears, it delivers a shock of surprise.
  imagine shock 0.66   Imagine my shock.
  send shock 0.66   It kind of sent a shock up my spine.
  feign shock 0.53   He feigned shock.
  produce shock 0.53   Table tennis produced two shocks.
  provide shock 0.53   It also provides this shock.
  cushion shock 0.46   Now, to cushion the shock, Washington sent out consultation missions throughout the world.
  overcome shock 0.46   Since then, Morrison has tried to overcome the shock.
  voice shock 0.46   Several Jewish organizations voiced shock and demanded an explanation.
  avoid shock 0.39   The gene-altered mice given the same dose remained active and avoided the shock.
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