wear shirt 11.26   They wore obscene shirts.
  lose shirt 3.55   And they lost their shirts.
  buy shirt 1.91   Buy cool shirts.
  remove shirt 1.84   Some boys removed their shirts.
  pull shirt 1.78   J.C. Penney pulled that shirt as well.
  change shirt 1.58   Ben had merely changed his shirt.
  take shirt 1.58   Take your shirt off!
  button shirt 1.51   Buttoning a shirt is difficult.
  lift shirt 1.45   Garner said the other lifted his shirt.
  make shirt 1.38   I made some shirts I wear.
  iron shirt 1.18   Have you ironed my shirt?
  rip shirt 1.05   When I did that my shirt got ripped.
  sell shirt 1.05   He sold the shirt.
  tear shirt 1.05   His shirt was torn.
  have shirt 0.99   They had white shirts.
  keep_on shirt 0.92   So keep your shirt on.
  tuck_in shirt 0.92   Jack tucked his shirt in.
  grab shirt 0.86   He grabbed my shirt.
  throw shirt 0.79   He promptly threw his shirt at a fan.
  unbutton shirt 0.72   He took off his sweater and unbuttoned his shirt.
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