arm shipment 11.26   The arms shipments went forward.
  aid shipment 9.94   Red Cross delivers aid shipment.
  drug shipment 6.91   An anticipated drug shipment never materialized.
  food shipment 5.73   Iraq received its first food shipment last week.
  oil shipment 5.46   They embargoed oil shipments to the U.S..
  weapon shipment 4.02   Weapons shipments to Zimbabwe were also forbidden.
  fuel shipment 2.83   It was the first fuel shipment in Sarajevo in three weeks.
  cocaine shipment 2.50   The cocaine shipment has not been found.
  air shipment 2.30   Air shipments halted.
  cargo shipment 1.97   They may make it here in suitcases or cargo shipments.
  rice shipment 1.91   South Korea suspended further rice shipments.
  export shipment 1.78   Export shipments have slowed recently.
  relief shipment 1.71   It was the second such relief shipment since Sunday.
  grain shipment 1.65   ADM will make seven additional grain shipments over the next two months.
  steel shipment 1.58   Steel shipments continue.
  unit shipment 1.05   Worse than the drop in unit shipments is the sales revenue.
  wheat shipment 0.92   But any kind of cap or limit on wheat shipments is out of the question.
  rail shipment 0.86   Fernald already has begun rail shipments of radioactive dirt to a Utah landfill.
  heroin shipment 0.72   Police seize largest heroin shipment ever.
  plutonium shipment 0.72   The report did not elaborate on the plutonium shipments.
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