force shell 13.69   Serb forces shell northern Albanian town.
  tank shell 6.91   An Israeli tank shelled an empty building.
  artillery shell 6.32   Bosnian Serb artillery was reported shelling the town.
  troop shell 5.46   Four more died when troops shelled a rebel bunker.
  rebel shell 3.23   Rebels shell central city.
  army shell 2.37   Then our army was shelling us back.
  gunner shell 1.45   It said artillery gunners on Thursday shelled four villages near Arbil, destroying several more homes.
  guerrilla shell 1.05   Guerrillas shell Israeli positions in southern Lebanon.
  gunboat shell 0.99   Gunboats again shell coastal highway.
  gun shell 0.86   Israeli guns also shelled other areas.
  military shell 0.79   For several days, the military shelled rebel boats moving between the coast and the ferry.
  soldier shell 0.79   Pakistani soldiers shell Indian positions in disputed Kashmir.
  militiaman shell 0.59   SLA militiamen shelled suspected guerrilla hideouts, killing a Palestinian woman and her teen-age son.
  government shell 0.53   When the government shelled the area, you also published it.
  unit shell 0.33   Their unit was shelling the German lines only seven miles away.
  gunship shell 0.26   Helicopter gunships shelled Tulkarem, the West Bank hometown of the bomber, and security installations in Gaza City.
  heavy shell 0.26   On Monday, the Kosovo Information Center reported one person was killed and three wounded by heavy shelling of Lodja village.
  mortar shell 0.26   They were being shelled by mortars.
  navy shell 0.26   The Israeli navy also shelled for the first time another stretch of the coastal highway south between Sidon and Tyre.
  plane shell 0.26   But the UN was not able to confirm Bosnian radio reports that Serb planes had shelled an area near the town of Bihac.
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