clone sheep 2.37   Cloning sheep?
  slaughter sheep 1.71   Local people slaughter sheep to celebrate.
  kill sheep 1.38   Killing the sheep is a misdemeanor under state law.
  herd sheep 1.32   Peasants tilled the soil and herded sheep.
  raise sheep 1.32   Specializing in organic farming, he also raises sheep.
  count sheep 1.12   Counting sheep.
  shear sheep 0.99   Sheep are shorn.
  sacrifice sheep 0.86   Sheep are sometimes sacrificed in Chechnya in traditional tributes to the dead.
  take sheep 0.86   So she took the sheep back.
  import sheep 0.66   Now better sheep are being imported, and farmers are upgrading their flocks.
  tend sheep 0.59   One son would tend the sheep in the traditional fashion.
  infect sheep 0.53   Scientists think it stems from scrapie, a disease that infects sheep.
  steal sheep 0.53   One of those died while trying to prevent gunmen stealing his sheep.
  buy sheep 0.46   Yesterday they came and bought two sheep.
  keep sheep 0.46   It meant people who kept sheep were happy.
  destroy sheep 0.39   The sheep were destroyed.
  drive sheep 0.39   The sheep were driven into the garden of the local Prefect.
  have sheep 0.39   Smith, like others, will not say how many sheep she has now.
  include sheep 0.39   Including sheep.
  affect sheep 0.33   In some countries it affects sheep.
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