minority shareholder 16.59   ...minority shareholders.
  majority shareholder 8.89   The government is majority shareholder.
  fund shareholder 3.09   Fund shareholders do not have that protection.
  company shareholder 1.38   To raise more cash, Wu may sell new stock to company shareholders.
  year shareholder 0.92   No dividend will be paid to shareholders this year.
  co-op shareholder 0.72   But what rules apply when a co-op shareholder wants to sell an apartment?
  core shareholder 0.72   The remainder is held by a group of core shareholders such as Electricite de France.
  preference shareholder 0.72   From the point of view of the existing preference shareholders, liquidity in current stock will be reduced.
  bank shareholder 0.66   Bank shareholders charged with laundering drug money.
  dividend shareholder 0.59   Those, in turn, could hurt company earnings and trim the size of dividends paid shareholders.
  employee shareholder 0.46   Yesterday, Casino employee shareholders rejected the bid.
  retail shareholder 0.46   Argentaria officials said they have not noticed any slip in demand among retail shareholders.
  million shareholder 0.26   Green found that Khalil allowed BCCI to use his name and reputation as a shareholder in exchange millions of dollars.
  vendor shareholder 0.26   Obviously the position is modified if vendor shareholders of Target are to take shares or loan notes in Newco.
  week shareholder 0.26   It will meet major shareholders this week.
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