human sexuality 3.69   The issue of human sexuality promises to set off fireworks.
  female sexuality 2.04   She has written a fascinating book on female sexuality.
  strong sexuality 1.18   Rated R for strong sexuality.
  male sexuality 0.99   A dread of black male sexuality remains.
  adolescent sexuality 0.53   The only area in which the Vatican has come close to agreement is the question of adolescent sexuality.
  explicit sexuality 0.53   Rated R for nudity and explicit sexuality.
  overt sexuality 0.53   Overt sexuality, even pregnancy?
  brief sexuality 0.33   Rated R for brief sexuality and violence.
  emerging sexuality 0.33   Emerging sexuality.
  blatant sexuality 0.26   They prefer a blatant sexuality.
  infantile sexuality 0.26   Infantile sexuality is older than Cheryl Tiegs.
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