have sex 114.29   And he goes can we have sex?
  discuss sex 2.24   It was socially unacceptable to discuss sex then.
  determine sex 1.91   Temperature determines the sex of the offspring.
  use sex 1.91   TV ads use sex to sell toothpaste.
  seek sex 1.71   Foreigners seeking sex with child prostitutes, stay home.
  demand sex 1.65   But he also demands sex in return.
  sell sex 1.58   And Neal insisted he is not selling sex.
  segregate sex 1.32   One idea he considered, but wisely rejected, was to segregate the sexes in the pools.
  want sex 1.25   John just wanted casual sex.
  include sex 1.18   That, of course, includes sex.
  involve sex 1.12   The game has to involve both sexes.
  avoid sex 1.05   Instead, they simply avoided sex.
  enjoy sex 0.92   Couple gets hitched, enjoys unlimited sex.
  offer sex 0.92   The women were beaten if they refused to offer sex, he said.
  see sex 0.92   They never saw sex.
  buy sex 0.79   Crack could buy them sex from women and respect from men.
  trade sex 0.72   I asked if she had ever traded sex for crack.
  change sex 0.66   If a male angelfish dies, biologists say, its female partner can change sex.
  like sex 0.66   I like sex.
  provide sex 0.66   But many are forced to provide sex in bars and brothels.
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