protect settler 4.54   Dozens of troops were posted nearby to protect the settlers.
  kill settler 3.42   A Jewish settler is killed.
  arrest settler 3.36   No settlers were arrested.
  detain settler 2.17   The settlers were detained.
  remove settler 2.11   The Palestinians demand that all the settlers be removed.
  evict settler 2.04   Police evicted the settlers after a few hours.
  shoot settler 1.78   The army said two settlers were shot.
  carry settler 1.65   A car carrying seven settlers drove up.
  accuse settler 1.45   Palestinians accused Jewish settlers of posting the drawings.
  target settler 1.32   The settlers have been targeted for attack throughout the Palestinian uprising.
  wound settler 1.32   One settler was wounded.
  injure settler 1.18   Goldberg said a settler was injured in scuffles with police.
  attack settler 1.12   His relatives acknowledged he had attacked Israeli settlers.
  prevent settler 1.05   Palestinian police prevented some settlers from entering the city.
  evacuate settler 0.99   Thirty-one percent said the government should evacuate the settlers.
  stop settler 0.99   Israeli troops arrived, but did not stop the settlers.
  escort settler 0.92   The convoy included military vehicles that were escorting Israeli settlers.
  guard settler 0.92   Israeli forces will remain to guard Jewish settlers in Hebron.
  blame settler 0.79   Jewish settlers are blamed for the attack.
  stab settler 0.79   The Palestinian had been detained on suspicion of stabbing a settler.
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