dust settle 11.45   Dust settled.
  company settle 8.89   The company settled.
  family settle 4.67   The family settled in Clifton.
  side settle 4.28   The two sides later settled.
  future settle 3.03   Futures settled lower.
  government settle 2.50   The government settled the dispute.
  party settle 2.17   The parties later settled.
  agreement settle 1.91   The agreement could settle a federal antitrust lawsuit.
  firm settle 1.84   Not all firms settle, however.
  couple settle 1.71   The couple settled in California.
  people settle 1.71   Some people cannot settle for adoration.
  man settle 1.51   The other three men did not settle the case.
  price settle 1.51   Grain prices settled mixed.
  industry settle 1.45   Ultimately, though, Moore says he thinks the industry will settle.
  most settle 1.45   Over the years most have settled in towns and villages.
  group settle 1.38   His group settled on biological terrorism.
  court settle 1.32   This party says the dispute can only be settled by courts, not lawmakers.
  leader settle 1.32   Instead, the Palestinian leader settled in Gaza.
  official settle 1.32   City and state officials must settle two questions.
  team settle 1.32   McCarthy thinks both teams would settle for a tie.
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