restaurant serve 8.23   A restaurant serves Shaker dishes.
  man serve 7.44   Men serve three.
  woman serve 5.92   Women now also serve.
  company serve 4.67   Both companies also serve hotels.
  president serve 4.54   Presidents serve one-year terms.
  troop serve 4.41   Russian troops are serving with IFOR.
  member serve 3.88   Members serve for four years.
  soldier serve 3.29   Only several dozen U.S. soldiers serve in Sarajevo.
  father serve 3.23   His father served before him.
  system serve 2.70   The tub system has served Harvard well.
  official serve 2.63   Key chamber officials serve as trustees of the bowl.
  school serve 2.63   Few local schools serve fish anymore.
  center serve 2.44   The center serves the homeless.
  people serve 2.30   Two people might serve as role models.
  game serve 2.17   This artful game has served him well.
  memory serve 2.17   Their memory served them well.
  airline serve 2.04   The airline already serves Dubai.
  building serve 1.97   The building once served as the royal palace.
  prisoner serve 1.97   Prisoners here only serve short sentences.
  program serve 1.97   The big-tree program serves several purposes.
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