modern sensibility 1.78   But to the modern sensibility, love is the very engine of life.
  american sensibility 0.92   So rougher American sensibilities beware.
  artistic sensibility 0.92   Her artistic sensibility has been offended.
  religious sensibility 0.92   Local religious sensibilities must also be observed.
  different sensibility 0.79   And I come from a different sensibility.
  political sensibility 0.79   Their political sensibilities moved ever leftward.
  literary sensibility 0.72   Her literary sensibility brings to mind Truman Capote or Anton Chekhov.
  comic sensibility 0.66   They liked the same movies and books and shared a similar comic sensibility.
  contemporary sensibility 0.66   Inside, it has a contemporary sensibility.
  delicate sensibility 0.66   By appearances, Sears would not seem a man of delicate sensibilities.
  same sensibility 0.66   Creatively, we have the same sensibilities.
  new sensibility 0.59   Each musician brought a new interpretation, a new sensibility.
  adult sensibility 0.53   A more adult sensibility, says Hasselhoff.
  european sensibility 0.46   Indeed, Clinton bucked some European sensibilities by drawing the line at NATO expansion at these three nations.
  french sensibility 0.46   French sensibility has no need of you.
  japanese sensibility 0.46   The comment further inflamed Japanese sensibilities already aroused by the sensational rape case.
  poetic sensibility 0.46   And he did not find his poetic sensibility at odds with his love of science.
  cultural sensibility 0.39   Cable companies hope to attract viewers partly by appealing to cultural sensibilities.
  local sensibility 0.39   Local religious sensibilities must also be observed.
  refined sensibility 0.39   He was known for his refined sensibilities and exquisite taste.
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