use send 3.95   It also can be used to send faxes.
  be send 1.78   Also sent home was Taiwan coach Tsai Wen-yee.
  will send 1.32   Would sending in military guards, land and airborne, do the job?
  say send 1.25   Traders said that sent the dollar plunging.
  back send 0.53   MacDonald analyzed the tissue and sent word back that he had confirmed the diagnosis.
  home send 0.53   Wu was ordered out of China and sent home this week.
  apply send 0.46   The U.S. Embassy also has applied to send an observer.
  opt send 0.46   Many wealthy parents who fail to enroll their children at government universities opt to send them abroad.
  rule_out send 0.46   Lee has ruled out sending an envoy to Beijing to appeal for a halt, his office said.
  do send 0.39   It costs no more to send a note to Auckland or to Osaka than it does to send it across town.
  explode send 0.39   Both fragment when they explode, sending tiny bits of metal scattering in the air.
  include send 0.39   Packages containing toxic substances found in Britain, including one sent to Prime Minister Tony Blair, official says.
  oppose send 0.39   But Japanese press reports said most members of the Japanese Cabinet oppose sending a fact-finding mission to the area.
  work send 0.39   U.N., rebels work to send Rwandan refugees home.
  fight send 0.33   ETA is fighting to send up an independent homeland in the Basque country.
  have send 0.33   Whoever sent those letters has a twisted mind.
  can send 0.26   Such a move could sent the oil price tumbling, analysts warn.
  catch_fire send 0.26   The blaze was sparked when oil from an army depot caught fire, sending a river of flame through Dronka.
  combine send 0.26   All these factors have combined to send the stocks skidding.
  decision send 0.26   ...the momentous decision to send in the troops.
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