be seem 16.52   At first, it seemed he was wrong.
  have seem 4.54   It seems we have a tie.
  want seem 1.65   It seems no one wants the Serie A title.
  win seem 1.51   Winning races seems attainable.
  do seem 1.38   It seemed she did.
  make seem 0.86   Yes, it seems I made the classic vacation plans.
  go seem 0.79   It seems he goes to pieces in a crisis, then.
  play seem 0.79   It seems we play the Expos all the time.
  take seem 0.79   Will taking a position seem like prejudgment?
  get seem 0.72   Getting started may seem daunting.
  fighting seem 0.66   But there seems no fighting the fundamental fact.
  lose seem 0.59   Losing has seemed to feed on losing.
  buy seem 0.46   For Elvis, buying them seemed something of an addiction.
  fight seem 0.46   Fighting seemed to have escalated.
  know seem 0.46   It seemed he knew every driver.
  come seem 0.39   But many of the reports coming back seemed to point away from terrorism.
  kill seem 0.39   Killing seems so unjust.
  swim seem 0.39   Swimming also seems suited for the young.
  vote seem 0.39   Voting for Dole seemed the sensible thing to do.
  follow seem 0.33   Still, it hardly seems worth following.
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