rear seat 20.08   Cramped rear seat.
  passenger seat 16.72   Her son was in the passenger seat.
  leather seat 8.03   Leather seats.
  board seat 7.77   A board seat is a must.
  child seat 7.70   Both twins were in child safety seats.
  safety seat 7.70   Child safety seats is the answer.
  front-row seat 7.57   I was front-row seat.
  toilet seat 6.19   Toilet seats?
  bench seat 5.73   It also has a third row of bench seats.
  parliament seat 5.33   But he will keep his parliament seat.
  airline seat 4.02   Purchased airline seats.
  window seat 4.02   Window seat.
  club seat 3.55   Not all the club seats have been sold.
  courtside seat 3.49   Sell those courtside seats.
  airplane seat 2.96   And not all airplane seats are created equal.
  left-field seat 2.90   The second one sailed into the left-field seats.
  aisle seat 2.37   Save me an aisle seat.
  right-field seat 2.24   Griffey golfed a low change-up into the right-field seats.
  row seat 2.24   But one got a front row seat.
  assembly seat 1.97   The BJP won only one state assembly seat.
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