front seat 36.27   Go on the front seat.
  empty seat 25.61   Empty seats.
  parliamentary seat 19.95   His parliamentary seat is in Konya.
  permanent seat 16.13   Africa has no permanent council seat.
  open seat 15.54   But several open seats fell to the Republicans.
  congressional seat 14.88   New York is losing two congressional seats.
  the seat 10.53   The other seats had not yet been decided.
  remaining seat 10.14   Haynes holds the remaining seat.
  new seat 9.15   No opposition members won new seats.
  council seat 5.86   Africa has no permanent council seat.
  third seat 5.73   And the third seat is really cool.
  good seat 5.33   Good seats.
  single seat 5.27   Sit backward in single seat.
  vacant seat 4.94   There was one vacant seat.
  best seat 4.81   Best seats!
  cabinet seat 4.67   It also holds two Cabinet seats.
  democratic seat 4.34   One Democratic seat remains vacant.
  additional seat 4.21   Two additional seats are held by independents.
  legislative seat 4.08   Democrats also picked up more legislative seats.
  available seat 4.02   Plenty of good seats available.
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