break seal 2.24   I broke the seal with my blunt thumb.
  use seal 1.05   Christmas seals were first used in Delaware.
  give seal 0.99   A number of employers have already given their seal of approval to the scheme.
  set seal 0.86   His job there will be to set the seal on the rapprochement with France.
  put seal 0.79   Many in Sarajevo worry the poll will put a seal on the wartime division of the country.
  kill seal 0.72   Troake kills seals by shooting them.
  have seal 0.66   Other countries, notably Canada, also have seal hunting.
  help seal 0.66   One the easiest ways to help seals is to clean up beach litter.
  hunt seal 0.66   It continued hunting adult seals.
  check seal 0.59   -Check door seal on refrigerator.
  find seal 0.53   When the police stopped the car they found the seals in the bag.
  carry seal 0.46   Both carried the seal of parental disapproval.
  replace seal 0.46   Replace the seals then reassemble the faucet.
  award seal 0.39   The AARP will award its seal of approval to selected health maintenance organizations.
  forge seal 0.39   The court cleared the five of the more serious charge of forging government seals.
  open seal 0.39   I opened the seals as carefully as I could and read the file.
  save seal 0.39   It saves seals and a lot of birds by not having those beer can rings floating out there.
  shoot seal 0.39   Many seals are shot or killed with dynamite after being trapped in fishing nets.
  create seal 0.33   Then she placed her mouth on its mouth, creating a seal.
  damage seal 0.33   But do not boil lids, as that may damage the seal.
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