bronze sculpture 4.15   An abstract bronze sculpture in a fountain at the DWP.
  outdoor sculpture 2.44   What is outdoor sculpture?
  large sculpture 1.45   Large outdoor sculptures catch the eye of passersby.
  african sculpture 1.38   African sculptures decorate the walls.
  metal sculpture 1.38   Several metal sculptures dot his backyard.
  public sculpture 1.32   A public sculpture that no one wants removed.
  modern sculpture 1.18   It looked like a modern sculpture.
  monumental sculpture 1.05   I take no real interest in monumental sculpture.
  abstract sculpture 0.99   An abstract bronze sculpture in a fountain at the DWP.
  new sculpture 0.86   He is crafting a new sculpture.
  marble sculpture 0.79   Possibly the beginning of Marble sculpture should be brought down.
  small sculpture 0.79   Bilhuber has been replacing ashtrays with small decorative sculptures.
  stone sculpture 0.79   Among the first images in the show are two white stone sculptures.
  contemporary sculpture 0.72   Contemporary sculpture and paintings.
  kinetic sculpture 0.72   The best of the bikes do put most other kinetic sculpture to shame.
  life-size sculpture 0.72   He plans a series of life-size sculptures of women and altar flowers.
  wooden sculpture 0.72   He does this through wooden sculptures of blackened trunks of trees resting on a bed of charcoal.
  ancient sculpture 0.66   The verdigris skin of some iguanas resembles the patina on an ancient metal sculpture.
  first sculpture 0.66   Four years later, she made her first sculpture.
  giant sculpture 0.66   A megalith forms a giant sculpture.
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