minor scuffle 4.54   Police reported some minor scuffles.
  brief scuffle 3.95   A brief scuffle followed, but no one was hurt.
  ensuing scuffle 1.32   In the ensuing scuffle Paul is beaten up.
  small scuffle 0.66   Nervousness produced small scuffles on the fringes of the line.
  violent scuffle 0.66   Police arrived and took the man away after violent scuffles.
  short scuffle 0.33   Karn said that the youths were arrested following a short scuffle.
  angry scuffle 0.26   On the fringes of the crowd, angry scuffles broke out.
  further scuffle 0.26   Further scuffles, in which Ince was allegedly involved, followed.
  latest scuffle 0.26   The latest scuffle stirred up public outrage as Taiwanese have lost tolerance for misbehaving lawmakers.
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