single score 2.57   Medina singled to score both runs.
  double score 0.99   Thomas doubled to score Valentin and chase Wright.
  be score 0.86   Also scoring were Manny Malhotra, Adam Graves and John MacLean.
  run score 0.66   He had seven RBIs and scored five runs, also career bests.
  do score 0.46   The Celtics were done scoring.
  center score 0.33   Bagwell singled to center to score Biggio.
  point score 0.33   - to score the pivotal points.
  combine score 0.26   Toronto starters Charles Oakley and Alvin Williams combined to score just eight points.
  create score 0.26   Mexico controlled the ball longer but the Saudis created more scoring chances.
  place score 0.26   First he fired wide when well placed to score and then was unlucky when what appeared to be a goalbound shot hit a divot and deflected onto the post.
  right score 0.26   But Cordova lined the first pitch to right to score Sprague.
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