test score 51.55   Your test scores were terrific.
  sport score 4.41   Professional sports scores cost extra.
  credit score 4.15   This will improve your credit score.
  student score 3.75   Student test scores are high.
  math score 3.29   Math scores were even lower.
  film score 2.83   These days, he dreams of composing film scores.
  team score 1.84   All awards will go toward team scores.
  achievement score 1.05   This week their achievement scores are much improved.
  scan score 1.05   The scan score correlated with both albumin and haemoglobin.
  school score 0.92   School test scores are up.
  exam score 0.86   His college-entrance exam scores met NCAA standards.
  music score 0.86   He also attaches distinctive, ambient music scores.
  risk score 0.72   The risk score remains high.
  entrance score 0.66   Their college entrance test scores dramatically improve.
  football score 0.66   NFL football scores flashed across the screen.
  baseball score 0.59   I went back to my sports section and scanned the baseball scores.
  soccer score 0.59   The sports broadcaster did the same while reciting soccer scores.
  tie score 0.59   There was the drama of four different tie scores.
  college score 0.53   Forget all the college tournament scores.
  golf score 0.53   We were talking about golf scores.
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