expand scope 6.58   The organization has expanded its scope.
  limit scope 5.73   Supreme Court limits scope of Clean Water Act.
  broaden scope 4.48   The panel has broadened its scope.
  widen scope 4.21   Since then, Bush has denied he had widened his scope.
  narrow scope 2.96   Some want to keep it but narrow its scope.
  have scope 2.50   Marshall wanted to have the scope.
  define scope 1.65   But Moscow has sought to define the scope of his trip.
  extend scope 1.58   Let us extend the scope of the study to examine more factors.
  give scope 1.58   That gives scope for spending cuts.
  provide scope 1.51   The ranch guides always provide spotting scopes.
  reduce scope 1.51   Another approach is to reduce the scope of your search.
  determine scope 1.38   Investigators are trying to determine the scope of the situation.
  discuss scope 0.99   Authorities were unavailable Monday to discuss the scope of the case.
  offer scope 0.99   Borders offer more scope for imagination.
  increase scope 0.92   This would increase the scope for recession-hit countries to escape sanctions.
  specify scope 0.66   Bar-Illan would not specify the scope of the planned pullout.
  acknowledge scope 0.59   Policy-makers have acknowledged the scope of the forest crisis.
  reveal scope 0.59   The exhumations starting Sunday are intended to reveal the scope of the crime.
  allow scope 0.53   First of all, every italicized phrase allows enormous scope for subjectivity and bias.
  assess scope 0.53   U.N. relief officials are in the North to assess the scope of the damage.
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