say scientist 5.66   That may now change, say scientists.
  include scientist 2.90   It included two scientists from Hughes.
  have scientist 1.58   Phantom limbs have puzzled scientists for years.
  divide scientist 1.38   Scientists are divided on the issue.
  intrigue scientist 1.18   Polar bears intrigue scientists in many ways.
  baffle scientist 1.05   Scientists are still baffled by much that surrounds it.
  lead scientist 0.79   Doing so, they say, can lead scientists wildly astray.
  leave scientist 0.79   That leaves the scientists wondering exactly what is going on.
  take scientist 0.72   We took a scientist along to find out.
  attract scientist 0.66   All the better to attract top-flight scientists, Stowers officials reason.
  bring scientist 0.66   Some of the money might be used to bring more scientists to conferences and move to a better office, he said.
  help scientist 0.66   Genetic analysis patterns, like the one held by Leppert, help scientists identify genes.
  recruit scientist 0.66   And top-notch scientists were being recruited to fill it.
  surprise scientist 0.66   The scientists were surprised by what happened when they turned off the set.
  puzzle scientist 0.59   Frog deformity puzzles scientists.
  send scientist 0.59   Only Turkmenistan did not send scientists.
  allow scientist 0.53   The device allows scientists to survey bat populations with unprecedented accuracy.
  elude scientist 0.53   A cure has eluded scientists for decades.
  involve scientist 0.53   Second, he decided to get scientists involved in trying to get rid of the nuclear nightmare they had created.
  quote scientist 0.53   Neither conference touched on military secrets, the report quoted scientists as saying.
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