political scene 20.47   How different has the political scene become?
  international scene 8.56   The international scene is a lot more unsettled.
  final scene 8.49   My final scene was the best.
  similar scene 7.97   Similar scenes unfold in Florida.
  opening scene 7.77   The opening scene is the best.
  national scene 7.24   Will that show up on the national scene?
  first scene 6.65   The first scene says it all.
  chaotic scene 5.86   Witnesses spoke of chaotic scenes.
  social scene 5.79   The social scene belongs to them.
  whole scene 5.33   The whole scene.
  early scene 4.81   An early scene sets the tone.
  street scene 4.61   Street scenes also fuel hostility.
  violent scene 4.08   It has many violent scenes.
  same scene 4.02   Same scene.
  american scene 3.82   Audubon brought high French style to the American scene.
  local scene 3.75   His pictures are mainly of local scenes.
  nude scene 3.69   Rated R for nude scenes.
  ugly scene 3.62   It is an ugly scene.
  new scene 3.29   Write new scene.
  next scene 3.23   The next scene was Blythe and me.
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