fight save 4.87   Fighting to save Medicare.
  work save 4.28   Biologists work to save endangered fish.
  do save 4.08   Is this done to save money?
  intervene save 1.78   These were the people NATO had intervened to save.
  battle save 1.32   Doctors battled to save his life.
  use save 1.18   Elsewhere in Africa, the Internet is being used to save lives.
  act save 0.92   He called on the United States to act to save the process.
  can save 0.86   We are doing the best we can to save what is left.
  campaign save 0.79   Greenpeace campaigns to save the whales.
  lie save 0.79   Now you must lie to save us.
  rush save 0.59   Or are they being rushed to save money?
  return save 0.46   They say they want Jesus to return to save the world from sin.
  die save 0.39   He was going to die saving an entire planet from the Daleks.
  lobby save 0.39   But defenders are already lobbying to save the programs.
  spend save 0.39   Most families would have spent months saving to buy that washer or to take that European vacation.
  combine save 0.33   But she will request that the three trials be combined to save time.
  create save 0.33   The transporter was created to save money on set designs.
  dive save 0.33   Even center Chris Christoffersen dived to save a ball from going out of bounds.
  emerge save 0.33   And then, on cue, the pandas emerged to save the world.
  launch save 0.33   A campaign has been launched to save a collection of birds and animals.
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