white sand 4.48   The white sand is powder soft.
  fine sand 2.04   Stone dust or fine sand also would work.
  wet sand 1.97   ...a mixture of wet sand and cement.
  soft sand 1.58   Hoch had two bogeys out of the soft sand.
  shifting sand 1.18   We take a look at the shifting political sands.
  coarse sand 1.12   ...a beach of coarse sand.
  golden sand 1.12   ...miles of golden sands.
  hot sand 1.05   Lying on hot sand.
  damp sand 0.99   Sitting in the, the sand, damp sand under the bridge.
  black sand 0.86   Black sand.
  dry sand 0.79   Now, sweep dry sand into the joints between the bricks.
  blowing sand 0.72   Roads were covered by blowing sand.
  new sand 0.66   The groins will simply hold the new sand in place.
  loose sand 0.59   The Ibot is unfazed by curbs, loose sand, gravel, or a shaggy lawn.
  red sand 0.59   Red sand pours from the eyes of gilded masks.
  carrying sand 0.39   A BARGE carrying sand sank after a three-boat collision near the old Macau-Taipa Bridge on Sunday.
  coral sand 0.39   This accumulates on the sea bed as coral sand.
  deep sand 0.39   Outside, they trained on a beach, in deep sand.
  packed sand 0.33   Out on the runway itself, which is of hard packed sand, helicopters stood ready for takeoff.
  windblown sand 0.33   Close up, Mars resembled an earthly desert strewn with rocks and windblown sand.
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