have runner 15.21   Also, Russell had the runners on the move.
  strand runner 12.24   Runners were stranded.
  put runner 12.05   Put that runner in the sprints.
  put_on runner 8.03   Four times they put two runners on.
  leave runner 5.40   We left some runners.
  advance runner 4.61   They advanced neither runner.
  move runner 4.08   They moved runners over.
  get runner 3.82   Anaheim twice got runners to third.
  have_on runner 3.16   And San Diego had runners on first and second.
  throw runner 2.70   Pratt also is better at throwing out runners.
  sacrifice runner 2.63   Both runners were sacrificed by Omar Vizguel.
  allow runner 2.44   Davis did not allow another runner past second.
  bunt runner 2.11   How to properly bunt runners over.
  hold runner 1.91   Does he hold runners on base?
  send runner 1.58   We send a runner for you.
  keep runner 1.12   That kept a runner on second from scoring.
  finish_up runner 1.05   Leeds also finished runner up in the league.
  score runner 0.99   The ball landed, both runners scored, the game was tied.
  include runner 0.79   The Cubs stranded nine, including a runner at third three times.
  push runner 0.72   That pushed the runners to second and third.
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