join rotation 2.50   Hakes should join the rotation.
  make rotation 0.92   He made our rotation by default.
  rejoin rotation 0.86   The Mariners have no idea when he will be able to rejoin their rotation.
  start rotation 0.86   Combined, they provide an example for every member of the Dodgers starting rotation.
  set_up rotation 0.66   We can rest guys and set up the rotation.
  bolster rotation 0.53   The Red Sox also signed Zane Smith on Tuesday to bolster the rotation.
  impart rotation 0.53   Winds changing direction and speed with altitude will impart rotation to a few of the storms.
  juggle rotation 0.53   The White Sox juggled their rotation, too.
  use rotation 0.53   As promised, Carroll used a rotation on the defensive line.
  alter rotation 0.46   The rotation will be altered as a result.
  set rotation 0.46   Tracy also set his rotation for the rest of the season.
  have rotation 0.39   Torre has a rotation, all right.
  pitch rotation 0.39   Torre had plenty of time to set up his playoff pitching rotation.
  change rotation 0.33   Against Michigan, Cooper changed the rotation, starting Germaine.
  enter rotation 0.33   All three entered the rotation coming from different situations.
  strengthen rotation 0.33   Burkett should strengthen the rotation.
  align rotation 0.26   With the off day Monday, Russell could align his rotation to set up better against the Padres, and the playoffs, if the Dodgers advance.
  anchor rotation 0.26   Kevin Hatcher anchored one rotation with Craig Ludwig and Mike Lalor.
  announce rotation 0.26   Torre intends to formally announce his rotation over the weekend.
  complete rotation 0.26   Skaters were required to complete certain rotations at certain spots on the ice.
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