throw rock 41.41   Rioters threw rocks.
  hurl rock 11.13   But who hurled the rock?
  hit rock 3.75   Then Chauncey hit the rocks.
  use rock 1.58   But I had always used rocks too small.
  lob rock 1.25   Rioters lobbed rocks, bricks and gasoline bombs at police armored Land-Rovers.
  remove rock 1.25   Officials said they were concentrating on trying to remove the rock.
  strike rock 1.12   She struck a rock.
  break rock 0.99   He had the chain gangs breaking rocks.
  climb rock 0.92   But we camped and climbed rocks.
  move rock 0.92   Yeh, I move the rock.
  play rock 0.86   I never really quit playing rock.
  see rock 0.86   See the rock.
  toss rock 0.86   For that reason, Papows preferred not to toss rocks at Microsoft.
  find rock 0.79   You find some rocks, then find mussels on the rocks.
  pick_up rock 0.66   Next pick up rocks.
  put rock 0.66   Put rocks on the dining table.
  expose rock 0.59   The grit falls away, exposing a rock that looks remarkably like a rose.
  haul rock 0.59   Hauled more rocks for west foundation wall.
  have rock 0.59   Do I have rocks for brains?
  place rock 0.59   Now, start placing rocks.
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