price rise 31.53   Bond yields fall as prices rise.
  rate rise 16.00   Now they get the money as rates rise.
  pay rise 9.28   Staff had a pay rise last year.
  wage rise 5.07   He also said the bank inhibits wage rises.
  tax rise 3.82   But some tax rises were proposed.
  profit rise 2.76   Most analysts had forecast a profit rise.
  cost rise 2.30   Corporate spending also may be reined in as borrowing costs rise.
  sun rise 2.30   Most stay until the sun rises.
  share rise 2.17   Banks saw their share prices rise.
  income rise 1.97   Beyond that point, the tax rises as income rises.
  year rise 1.78   It was the second rise this year.
  dollar rise 1.71   A further dollar rise could upset the U.S., Hanai said.
  bond rise 1.51   Bond yields fall as bond prices rise.
  market rise 1.45   Power companies led the market rise.
  unemployment rise 1.45   Consumer spending has also been falling as unemployment rises, it said.
  oil rise 1.32   We discussed the possible implications of oil price rises.
  yield rise 1.12   Bond prices fall as yields rise.
  earnings rise 1.05   Sales from custom calling features propelled the earnings rise.
  water rise 0.92   She rescues him from prison as the waters rise inside his cell.
  fuel rise 0.86   Consumers are facing more fuel price rises.
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