build rig 0.92   In such depths, it is impossible to build fixed oil rigs.
  drill rig 0.66   ...drill rigs that are busy pumping natural gas.
  lose rig 0.59   Wyoming lost two rigs.
  sink rig 0.46   If they hit a gas pocket while drilling, the resulting blowout can sink the rig.
  tow rig 0.46   Arco has towed the rig and is now in the process of supplying it.
  gain rig 0.39   Of the major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma and Wyoming gained five rigs each.
  operate rig 0.39   A Falcon crew will operate the rig, Fulton said.
  use rig 0.39   The truckers might use their rigs as roadblocks.
  own rig 0.33   The oil rig is owned by EPTM, a French company that sells oil-related products.
  dump rig 0.26   Some pressure groups, such as Greenpeace, remain opposed to dumping the rig in the North Sea.
  park rig 0.26   The high prices have forced many independent owner-operators to park their rigs.
  pull rig 0.26   He was inside the auto shop when police pulled the big rig over and is not suspected in the seafood theft.
  put rig 0.26   We can put that rig in reverse.
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