hitch ride 14.29   Hitch a ride.
  take ride 6.71   Take a ride.
  enjoy ride 4.87   Enjoy the ride.
  get ride 4.41   Fitzgerald got her ride.
  offer ride 4.02   Trail rides are offered year round.
  catch ride 3.49   He caught a ride.
  need ride 2.83   Need a ride?
  give ride 2.63   He kept giving people rides.
  have ride 2.57   Indigo shares have had a ride.
  accept ride 1.78   She accepted the ride and has been on one since.
  lose ride 0.99   Bickle, the runner-up to Sprague last season, lost his ride.
  include ride 0.86   Other activities include wagon rides, fishing, hiking and cycling.
  want ride 0.79   I wanted a ride in the helicopter.
  find ride 0.72   I figured I would stay and find a ride back home.
  make ride 0.66   And they make the rides really short, as well.
  provide ride 0.66   There are often no family members nearby or friends available to provide rides.
  bum ride 0.53   He sold the car and bummed a ride here, back home.
  share ride 0.53   One in four motorists share the ride.
  inspect ride 0.46   The New York Labor Department inspects the rides each spring.
  continue ride 0.39   Continue backward ride.
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