heart rhythm 8.16   The genes also help maintain heart rhythms.
  dance rhythm 1.18   ...sensual dance rhythms.
  body rhythm 0.79   Did something throw her body rhythm off balance?
  rock rhythm 0.39   Others are trading multilayered syncopation for more basic rock rhythms.
  samba rhythm 0.39   The samba rhythm is already sounding in the economy.
  guitar rhythm 0.26   Rucker sings passionately over a skittish guitar rhythm.
  reggae rhythm 0.26   The Art Ensemble has mastered an elegiac, mid-tempo groove, which it milked, occasionally moving into reggae rhythms or near-mambos.
  salsa rhythm 0.26   Latin couples of all ages danced to the salsa rhythms of Caribe.
  sinus rhythm 0.26   You were cardioverted to regular sinus rhythm.
  waltz rhythm 0.26   The original dance to the waltz rhythm follows on Thursday with the free dance on Friday.
  work rhythm 0.26   The two doctors said that Yeltsin should be able to establish a work rhythm immediately.
  world rhythm 0.26   But she has gone beyond traditional Celtic melodies, adding pop influences, Middle Eastern and other world rhythms to her songs.
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