economy revive 2.24   When the economy revives, fewer checks bounce.
  report revive 1.05   The MPAA report may revive it.
  sale revive 0.92   But real estate sales have revived, and tourism is thriving.
  step revive 0.92   Now each step toward recovery revived the terror.
  government revive 0.72   The Maharashtra government later revived the project.
  market revive 0.72   The new, easier-to-use B share market has revived her interest in trading shares.
  incident revive 0.66   The incident revived her interest in the plight of the Roma.
  doctor revive 0.59   The doctors revived her with injections of glucose.
  growth revive 0.59   Government officials maintained that growth will revive in the course of the year, though.
  paramedic revive 0.59   Paramedics revived him.
  administration revive 0.46   Now, the Giuliani administration is reviving the idea.
  aid revive 0.46   North Korea needs Chinese aid to revive an economy ruined by mismanagement and five years of bad weather.
  company revive 0.46   The old companies revived the traditional antique-style glass.
  investment revive 0.39   North Korea badly needs outside investment to revive its economy.
  prosecutor revive 0.39   Other civil rights-era cases have been revived by prosecutors in recent years.
  team revive 0.39   On the other hand, if the team revives itself, he would be happy to be with it.
  country revive 0.33   Only now are the Central Asian countries revive interest in their heritage.
  fortune revive 0.33   With his constant presence, its fortunes have revived.
  plan revive 0.33   British plan for colonies revives independence debate for some.
  rain revive 0.33   Not all traders agree that rain will revive the Australian crop.
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