earnings revision 1.18   The earnings revision came after the close of Tokyo trading.
  charter revision 1.05   Charter revisions require approval by two-thirds of the council.
  draft revision 0.66   Under the draft revisions, a violator will face up to seven years in jail.
  law revision 0.66   -- Lobbying and campaign finance law revision.
  last-minute revision 0.59   She was doing some last-minute revision for her exams.
  tax revision 0.59   The IMF wants Moscow to assure that broad tax code revisions will become law.
  government revision 0.39   Government revisions of the dietary guidelines are completed every five years.
  budget revision 0.33   Bonds rose, pushing yields lower, after the release of the budget revisions.
  labor revision 0.33   The government has vowed to railroad the labor law revision through parliament next week.
  welfare revision 0.33   But Reed, like many conservatives, favors the welfare revisions anyway.
  benchmark revision 0.26   The Conference Board issues its benchmark revision annually.
  forecast revision 0.26   Unconsolidated revenue and profit forecast revisions follow.
  profit revision 0.26   The profit revisions went in the same direction.
  script revision 0.26   Then he set to work on a script revision.
  tort revision 0.26   Moreover, Schwartz and others say there is a far different mood in Washington now on tort revisions.
  treaty revision 0.26   He has joined forces with conservative Sen. Bob Smith, R-N.H., to slow down the treaty revision.
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