official review 11.52   University officials were reviewing their options.
  government review 8.82   The government will review the grants system soon.
  company review 6.19   The companies are reviewing the deal.
  committee review 5.27   What committee reviewed this?
  agency review 5.07   U.S. government agencies are reviewing the deal.
  administration review 4.87   The Bush administration is reviewing the policy.
  court review 4.21   A court is reviewing their petition.
  board review 3.42   The boards review paper.
  investigator review 3.36   Investigators were reviewing these records, he said.
  commission review 3.09   The commission is reviewing the case.
  panel review 3.03   A panel is reviewing that issue.
  lawyer review 2.96   Have a lawyer review all business documents.
  expert review 2.90   An FDA expert will review the data in the afternoon.
  judge review 2.76   The judge is reviewing the matter.
  office review 2.70   The office is reviewing recommendations about compensation.
  authority review 2.57   Authorities were reviewing post office surveillance tapes.
  prosecutor review 2.30   Ten prosecutors reviewed the evidence.
  time review 2.30   I need time to review the situation.
  department review 2.24   She said her department is reviewing the Oregon law.
  regulator review 2.04   Regulators are reviewing the proposal.
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