colony revert 1.18   The British colony reverts to China in two years from Saturday.
  area revert 1.12   The area reverts to Croatian control once the UN leaves.
  territory revert 0.59   China has promised to give Hong Kong a high degree of autonomy when the territory reverts to Chines rule next year.
  city revert 0.46   The city reverted to its former name of St Petersburg.
  land revert 0.46   But the land did not revert to the Indians.
  right revert 0.46   Harper said the rights have reverted to Sondheim and Weidman.
  team revert 0.39   Time for both teams to revert to form.
  case revert 0.33   But if he rejects their arguments, the case immediately reverts back to Straw.
  farmer revert 0.33   Farmers have since reverted to planting cannabis and poppies in remote mountainous areas.
  region revert 0.33   If Trimble does resign, the region may revert to British rule.
  company revert 0.26   Then, officials say, the company reverted to its old ways.
  control revert 0.26   At the end of the period, control would revert to the trust.
  enclave revert 0.26   The enclave reverts to Chines rule next year.
  money revert 0.26   Any unclaimed money would revert to Block and Household.
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