open reveal 3.75   The curtain opened to reveal the grand prize.
  lift reveal 0.59   The curtain was lifted to reveal the grand prize.
  say reveal 0.59   He said revealing the strategy could lead to higher wholesale prices.
  remove reveal 0.53   The threads are later removed to reveal the uncolored parts.
  be reveal 0.46   Equally revealing are the names of those he rebuffed.
  part reveal 0.46   The big red curtains parted to reveal a new car!
  unfold reveal 0.33   His black skirt suits unfolded to reveal panels of satin.
  raise reveal 0.26   When Philbin raised his pants leg to reveal an old injury, Ripa said that his leg badly needed moisturizer.
  will reveal 0.26   The rise of the fist-bump presages a time that is perhaps less willing to reveal itself.
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