higher return 40.49   The investment had a higher average return.
  early return 20.41   Early returns are good.
  better return 17.84   Which bond is offering the better return?
  high return 10.99   We expect a high return on our investment.
  possible return 10.53   Moceanu said of a possible return.
  safe return 8.16   The safe return of the Oldenburgs.
  total return 7.50   Total return is income plus growth.
  quick return 5.66   Roberts expected a quick return to work.
  good return 5.60   Four percent is considered a good return.
  lower return 5.27   Therefore, it provides a lower return to option holders.
  first return 5.00   For both it was their first return.
  expected return 4.94   So even this overstates expected return.
  triumphant return 4.81   Triumphant return?
  backhand return 4.74   His backhand return was lethal in the fourth.
  best return 4.08   They are his two best returns in Test cricket.
  immediate return 3.88   It demanded its immediate return.
  eventual return 3.49   He demanded access to his land and its eventual return.
  low return 3.42   The bank also had low returns on loans, she said.
  big return 3.36   Big return for next to no output.
  greater return 3.36   All investors prefer a greater return, other things equal.
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