open restaurant 11.65   He opened a restaurant.
  close restaurant 6.06   The restaurant is now closed.
  leave restaurant 5.92   They left the restaurant.
  have restaurant 5.79   I had a restaurant.
  run restaurant 5.66   I run a restaurant.
  own restaurant 5.40   They own a restaurant there.
  enter restaurant 2.30   A husband enters a restaurant with his wife.
  visit restaurant 1.65   They visit the restaurant at least twice a week.
  find restaurant 1.58   This mostly helped us find restaurants.
  include restaurant 1.58   It also would include restaurants.
  call restaurant 1.51   Finally, she called the restaurant.
  operate restaurant 1.45   It also operated a restaurant.
  pack restaurant 1.18   Restaurants are packed.
  house restaurant 1.05   The restaurant is housed in a historic downtown building.
  sell restaurant 1.05   We had sold the restaurant.
  add restaurant 0.99   A restaurant will be added soon.
  build restaurant 0.99   He is building a restaurant.
  buy restaurant 0.92   Her brother talked about buying a restaurant.
  choose restaurant 0.86   Which expensive restaurant shall we choose for dinner?
  know restaurant 0.79   They also know local restaurants.
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