official residence 25.21   You will need an official residence in France.
  permanent residence 9.48   Artists are in permanent residence.
  private residence 9.48 and private residences.
  presidential residence 8.89   Yilmaz received him at the presidential residence.
  temporary residence 4.81   They have temporary residence permits.
  royal residence 3.62   The decor typifies the elegance of royal residences.
  diplomatic residence 3.29   Fujimori returned to the diplomatic residence as dusk fell.
  primary residence 3.29   It applies only to primary residences.
  legal residence 2.90   Most are without a legal residence.
  japanese residence 2.63   I was having some wine and cheese in the Japanese residence.
  former residence 2.11   Bhutto remains isolated at her former official residence.
  new residence 1.78   Three new residence halls.
  family residence 1.18   She maintains the family residence in Maui.
  main residence 1.12   The name means the main residence of a shogun at a vine castle.
  principal residence 1.05   His principal residence was in Nassau, the Bahamas.
  current residence 0.99   Current residence?
  state residence 0.99   They met at Novo Ogarevo, a state residence just west of Moscow.
  nearby residence 0.92   Two other bodies were found in a nearby residence, and one in a field.
  personal residence 0.86   The provision applies only to personal residences owned by individuals and couples.
  guarded residence 0.79   Pinochet, meanwhile, rested at his heavily guarded Santiago residence.
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