cause resentment 3.29   It causes resentments.
  express resentment 2.50   But he expressed no resentment over the split.
  harbor resentment 2.44   But he harbors resentments.
  fuel resentment 2.30   The delays have fueled resentment.
  feel resentment 1.71   Stewart still feels resentment.
  stir resentment 1.65   But the plan has stirred deep resentment in Russia.
  breed resentment 1.38   Here, the border can breed resentment.
  create resentment 1.38   It can create resentment.
  spark resentment 0.86   And that might spark voter resentment.
  fan resentment 0.72   The disparities have fanned black resentment.
  provoke resentment 0.72   Elsewhere, it can provoke deep resentment.
  generate resentment 0.59   The practice has generated great resentment among ordinary citizens.
  have resentment 0.53   Sarlo has neither resentment nor regrets for missing out on the big money.
  trigger resentment 0.53   The failure to keep Palmeiro last fall triggered fan resentment.
  deepen resentment 0.46   The loss of class status only deepens resentments.
  exploit resentment 0.39   Recently, he has been exploiting creeping resentment toward the West.
  face resentment 0.39   But Arafat faces growing resentment at home over the crackdown.
  feed resentment 0.39   The Islamic world has never fully recovered, and that disparity feeds resentment today.
  foster resentment 0.39   The FAA program has fostered resentment in the region.
  reflect resentment 0.39   The results reflect growing resentment of a local government widely viewed as ineffective, unrepresentative, and unresponsive.
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