growing resentment 2.70   There was some growing resentment about that.
  deep resentment 2.57   Deep resentment of U.S.
  popular resentment 2.50   The trend has fueled popular resentment.
  public resentment 2.44   But much public resentment against the Turks remains.
  lingering resentment 1.78   But the lingering resentment is out there.
  widespread resentment 1.65   But they have created widespread resentment.
  strong resentment 1.05   Smith, though, bears no strong resentment toward anyone.
  simmering resentment 0.92   The players read it, and there was a simmering resentment on their parts.
  old resentment 0.79   Old resentments die hard.
  racial resentment 0.79   The victims of mindless racial resentment so often are.
  local resentment 0.66   But their wealth has sometimes provoked local resentment.
  bitter resentment 0.53   Heavy-handed policing caused bitter resentment.
  smoldering resentment 0.53   The result was a mixture of smoldering resentment and surrender to fate.
  considerable resentment 0.46   He felt considerable resentment towards Sheila for making him work late.
  palestinian resentment 0.46   Palestinian resentment over the American role is beginning to make itself felt on the ground.
  great resentment 0.39   There was great resentment among the workforce.
  personal resentment 0.39   Some more personal resentment that had come from within herself.
  pent-up resentment 0.33   We did not exactly quarrel, but we started unloading pent-up resentments and frustrations.
  seething resentment 0.33   The seething resentments, sexual betrayals and near-suicidal disillusionment.
  white resentment 0.33   White resentment over the idea of honoring a black man also lingered.
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