good reputation 10.53   I know he has a good reputation.
  international reputation 9.15   Instead, it made her international reputation.
  national reputation 7.97   It has a national reputation.
  bad reputation 7.50   Bad reputation.
  strong reputation 3.82   He has built a strong pro-business reputation.
  growing reputation 2.76   This show will no doubt add to his growing reputation.
  solid reputation 2.76   Bugel has a solid reputation, too.
  excellent reputation 2.50   The school had an excellent reputation.
  academic reputation 2.04   Its academic reputation has declined.
  sterling reputation 1.97   He had a sterling reputation in Congress.
  tarnished reputation 1.84   Andersen instead is trying to its tarnished reputation.
  professional reputation 1.71   His professional reputation is somewhat similar.
  well-deserved reputation 1.71   The Park Hotel has a well-deserved reputation.
  worldwide reputation 1.71   The department has a worldwide reputation for its research.
  political reputation 1.65   Political reputations are also in play.
  poor reputation 1.65   His poor reputation cost him the position.
  better reputation 1.51   Does the new company have a better reputation?
  formidable reputation 1.45   Cardinal Martini has a formidable reputation for scholarship.
  big reputation 1.38   They had a big reputation.
  considerable reputation 1.38   Kelsey also had a considerable reputation as a player.
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