central repository 1.05   The Public Record Office is a central repository for all government archives.
  permanent repository 1.05   He said the industry would now concentrate on pressing the Government to open a permanent repository.
  waste repository 0.79   The authors make the assumption that a nuclear waste repository will eventually leak.
  national repository 0.66   Plants now store nuclear waste on site, waiting for a national repository.
  nuclear repository 0.59   The authors make the assumption that a nuclear waste repository will eventually leak.
  underground repository 0.53   The spent fuel would some day be buried off-site in an underground repository.
  vast repository 0.46   This is a vast repository of screen savers of every kind.
  single repository 0.39   But Ted is the single most influential repository of Senate lore extant.
  deep repository 0.33   Plans to set up a deep repository for nuclear waste near Sellafield in Cumbria are attracting growing criticism.
  official repository 0.33   After the Cold War, evidence mounted that smallpox endured beyond the two official repositories.
  centralized repository 0.26   The Virginia facility could become a centralized repository for much of this collection, the officials said.
  largest repository 0.26   It is, bank officials say, the largest repository of gold in the world.
  main repository 0.26   Also called the Vineyard Museum, it is the main repository of island history.
  mere repository 0.26   They are not mere repositories of geographic information, they are yellow, red, brown, green and blue.
  proposed repository 0.26   The proposed repository is vulnerable to seismic activity.
  traditional repository 0.26   The sock drawer, a traditional repository of male essentials, is awash in AA and AAA batteries.
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