use replace 2.96   Steel cable will be used to replace worn ropes.
  vie replace 1.12   DeFrantz is one of five candidates vying to replace Samaranch.
  build replace 0.99   A visitor center will be built to replace the grocery store.
  be replace 0.92   Replacing them are Norman, Els and Jumbo Ozaki.
  install replace 0.92   Thirty lifelike mannequins were recently installed to replace painted figures.
  promote replace 0.86   Michael Pietsch was promoted to replace her.
  cost replace 0.72   What will it cost to replace a BMW mirror?
  develop replace 0.59   Sloan also said that foods will be developed to replace over-the-counter products.
  set_up replace 0.59   A new company would soon be set up to replace the NNSL, said the minister.
  introduce replace 0.46   As the air is burned and expelled new air has to be introduced to replace it.
  return replace 0.46   When Reid returned to replace him, Fitzpatrick clearly did not take to the experience.
  tap replace 0.46   Last year, Siegel retired, and Eskridge was tapped to replace him.
  buy replace 0.39   Do you agree, and what would you buy to replace them?
  compete replace 0.39   They led a field of six candidates competing to replace interim President Fabian Alarcon.
  do replace 0.39   What will the Giants do to replace Meggett?
  emerge replace 0.39   Eventually other termites would emerge to replace their fallen comrades.
  fight replace 0.39   Two fellow Republican House members fought to replace him.
  opt replace 0.39   The producers would not accede, and eventually opted to replace Joanna.
  recall replace 0.39   Ed Vosberg was recalled to replace Bottalico.
  run replace 0.39   Kamei is running to replace unpopular Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori.
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