standard repertory 4.21   The standard repertory may benefit, too.
  classical repertory 0.86   Who knows whether he can become one in the Classical repertory?
  new repertory 0.72   And he wants to explore new repertory.
  german repertory 0.66   He is dubious, however, about moving into German repertory.
  symphonic repertory 0.66   Inevitably, complete operas are absent, and symphonic repertory is scarce.
  unusual repertory 0.59   The unusual repertory is what makes the event a festival.
  operatic repertory 0.53   Ms. von Stade is busy tailoring her operatic repertory.
  romantic repertory 0.53   Already Kissin is a formidable pianist in the Romantic repertory.
  russian repertory 0.46   They were used to playing Romantic symphonies and the Russian repertory.
  solo repertory 0.46   It does not have a vast solo repertory.
  french repertory 0.39   But it was in French repertory that he made his mark.
  old repertory 0.39   Yet keeping the old repertory fresh is not easy.
  wide-ranging repertory 0.39   City Ballet has an unusually wide-ranging musical repertory.
  dramatic repertory 0.33   Ms. Castle is finally easing into the dramatic repertory her coaches have long predicted for her.
  italian repertory 0.33   Fleming says she loves the core Italian repertory.
  limited repertory 0.33   Their accuracy was admirable considering their limited offensive repertory.
  mainstream repertory 0.33   The sonatas have been slow to enter the mainstream repertory.
  vast repertory 0.33   It does not have a vast solo repertory.
  broad repertory 0.26   Jennifer Larmore, an American, commands an especially broad repertory and rivals Ms. Bartoli in charm.
  familiar repertory 0.26   Creating a similar, but Irish-based, fusion, the Eileen Ivers band electrified a familiar repertory.
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