surgery repair 3.42   Seven surgeries could not repair her shoulder.
  worker repair 1.84   Workers were repairing the downed tower Monday.
  crew repair 1.25   His crew could not repair the dent, leaving his spoiler an inch short.
  doctor repair 1.05   The doctors also repaired the deltoid ligament on the inner ankle.
  engineer repair 0.72   Railroad engineers later repaired the tracks.
  government repair 0.72   Samba said he was confident the Congolese government would repair the damage.
  operation repair 0.66   The operation repaired a split and frayed tendon and the sheath that surrounds it.
  company repair 0.59   The spokesmen said their companies would repair the function free of charge.
  step repair 0.53   He has taken steps to repair the damage.
  body repair 0.46   With rest, the body repairs the damage, actually making the muscle tougher and more sinewy.
  surgeon repair 0.46   His face was repaired by surgeons.
  mechanics repair 0.39   Can your mechanics repair it?
  contractor repair 0.33   Students at North Hall High will have all of next week off while contractors repair some of the damage.
  money repair 0.33   Rich countries look for money to repair Kosovo.
  official repair 0.33   Norman was next up, but had to wait until a PGA official could repair the hole.
  technician repair 0.33   Technicians repaired the short and normal traffic resumed.
  troop repair 0.33   At Kandahar, troops repaired two bomb craters at the airport, which was becoming more active.
  way repair 0.33   Now the president is looking for a way to repair the breach.
  aid repair 0.26   Amtrak would need federal aid to repair the damaged cars or build new sleeper cars, Capron said.
  heart repair 0.26   In the meantime, Anversa said his belief that the heart can repair itself is slowly gaining acceptance.
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