opt remain 1.65   The buyer opted to remain anonymous.
  be remain 1.18   Remaining are nine entrants.
  fight remain 0.92   Now, patients are fighting to remain upbeat.
  forecast remain 0.92   Kennedy was forecast to remain very windy.
  battle remain 0.53   As the skid grows, Asbury battles to remain upbeat.
  have remain 0.39   Myette has options remaining to return to the minors, but Bell does not.
  merge remain 0.33   Neither company had to merge to remain independent.
  project remain 0.33   Employment in high-tech industries is projected to remain flat.
  do remain 0.26   Daim had also outlined some of the things that local banks need to do to remain resilient.
  predict remain 0.26   Powerful heat was predicted to remain in the central and southern Plains.
  win remain 0.26   Sri Lanka needed to win to remain in contention for the final of the series, which also includes India.
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